About Us

Juanita ensemble – ‘Each of our garment is able to change its shape and aesthetic in order for the wearer to adapt themselves to their environment’ as they are made of organic, handwoven fabrics for sustainable clothing towards greater ecological integrity and social justice. The label ‘Juanita’ considers fashion from the perspective of “Effortlessly elegant”.

We will use our brand and reach to reduce the carbon footprint of apparel by educating consumers about re-use and sustainable fashion. A real movement to rethink consumption could be coming, as in India, some regions are on the verge of severe water shortages, impacting people and business. Our brand promotes change for the better for our customer.

Natural fibers, in addition to having a smaller carbon footprint have many additional benefits: being able to be degraded by microorganisms and composted (improving soil structure); in this way the fixed CO2 in the fiber will be released and the cycle closed. Substituting Organic fibers for conventionally grown fibers considerably helps reduce carbon footprint based on:

  • Elimination of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) which is an improvement in human health and agro-biodiversity
  • Conserves water – making the soil more friable so rainwater is absorbed better – lessening irrigation requirements and erosion.

The movement to produce textiles in a more sustainable fashion is gathering pace. One area in which we are trying to do our part.

We mainly source and collaborate with nine weaving clusters of Bihar in terms of the yarns used, type of loom, count and style of weaving. Each cluster though existing within similar geological conditions produce different products and weaves.